Hi I’m Lisa, founder of The Mind Sanctuary.

Here‘s a brief insight into me.  I’ll share more with you as time goes by.

I’ve spent years working in key worker environments as a Therapeutic Practice Consultant so I know what it means to be stressed.

My dog Izzy is a Jack Russel ,I love her lots. She’s not the fluffy haired spaniel I wanted but as often happens, life had other ideas for me, she’s taught me the true meaning of the word stubborn:-)

I’m a qualified Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming with a Diploma in Health and Social care as well as a Diploma in Sport and Leisure management, I also have my certificate to practice using the Emotional Freedom Technique as well as a certificate to teach.

20 years ago I landed in Sri Lanka with not enough money to be there so ended up spending a month with monks in the mountains- a life changing experience if ever there was one!

I set up and ran a Health and Well- being club for children in care. It was a huge success and I absolutely loved doing it

The beginning of every day for me starts with good fresh coffee. It makes me happy and the fresh coffee smell is oh so good.

The idea for The Mind Sanctuary came about because in my 30s the Dr told me if I didn’t de-stress I wouldn’t see my 40’s. I’m mid 40s now so safe to say I designed a programme that works!

I lived in the jungle for 6 weeks with nothing but some string and a piece of tarpaulin for shelter (The first tropical storm was fun!)

In 2016 7 people I loved died, 1 a month for 7 months, I took time out to practice absolutely everything I teach whilst I healed.

The Mind Sanctuary has been developed because I know life can be bonkers and stressful and I want us all to have somewhere to go where we can hang up our worries and tensions while we refresh and reset our minds.

If you think you might be interested in easing your worries and refreshing your mind you can head over to the services page here and find out more.

That’s my brief insight done, I really hope I get to meet you in a class soon

Lisa x