blog 1 Hi, I’m Lisa the founder of The Mind Sanctuary, thank you so much for taking a look at this site.
I write and deliver all of the classes and Mind Calm training packages.
I worked as a Consultant of Therapeutic Practice for years and it was whilst doing this that colleagues asked how I always managed to stay so happy and calm. (Its not always the case, I can also do grumpy, especially if I’m hungry and tired but a lot of the time I’m pretty content). It got me to thinking about what it is I do that makes me this way. Being a therapeutic coach with a regular meditation practice I decided if I could figure out the strategies I would be able to show others how to develop and connect with their own calm mind in the most challenging of situations.
Long story short (for now) I figured it out, tried and tested my ideas on people who were severely depressed (suicidal) as well as people who suffered with anxiety, PTSD and all other stress related illnesses and the strategies and tools I’d developed worked beautifully. Depressed peoples lives lightened and they smiled again which really is an honour to witness and those with stress and anxiety became so much more relaxed and at ease with themselves. It is now my mission to find a way to share these trainings with as many people as possible. The tools are easy to learn and can be life changing. I created 3 levels of training and I love them all but if I had to choose a favourite it would be the absolute beginners that I love the most. The Mind Calm foundation training. It means I get to watch you grow through out all of the levels and that’s the best feeling for me. As you learn the skills to ease your anxiety/depression your confidence and self esteem grows and it really is a life changing experience. If you have any questions please do email me, I love what I do and I love to share it. It would be great to see you at a class soon, Lisa x
P.S, All classes are currently running via zoom so if you need help setting that up please contact me. The beauty of this live online training is you can be any where in the world and sill join in the programme 馃檪



2 thoughts on “”

  1. I have recently had the great pleasure of experiencing one of Lisa’s relaxation classes and can honestly say that I was so chilled after a busy, stressful day working that I drifted along with her soothing voice and all the thoughts of the day melted away. Pure bliss and still felt the effects into the evening and settled into a lovely deep sleep that night.
    I would definitely recommend coming along and giving it a go!
    (Big Fan!!!)

    1. Thank you so much for this comment Lisa and for coming along to try the class. See you again soon 馃檪

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